
As a millennial in the gig economy, you might already be hustling. But did you know that there are some apps and websites that can help you make money from your phone without investing much time or cash? Here are some of the best easy side hustles you can do from your phone.

Becoming a social media manager

There are more than 1.8 billion social media users in the world, and that number is only growing. With so many people on the internet, brands have to be where their customers are in order to get their message out there.

That’s why many companies are hiring social media managers: someone who can create a presence for them online and help build an audience for their products or services. But you might be asking what do they do?

close up photography of smartphone icons

Social media managers need strong communication skills, creativity and marketing experience. They usually work with teams of marketers to brainstorm campaigns and promotions; write engaging copy; schedule posts across multiple platforms; monitor analytics; respond to comments; create graphics and videos; participate in contests/giveaways; develop content curation strategies (i.e., finding relevant content from around the web); run paid ads through Facebook or Instagram’s ad platforms; collaborate with influencers (people who have large followings); manage external vendors such as photographers/videographers if necessary…you get the picture!

Starting an Etsy shop

Etsy is a marketplace for handmade products. It’s the perfect platform to sell your hand-knit hats, custom shirts, and original art prints.

To set up an Etsy shop:

  • Register for an account by clicking “Sign Up” on the homepage at www.etsy.com
  • Fill out all of the required information about yourself (name, email address and password). You’ll also be prompted to set up a payment method (Visa/Mastercard or PayPal) at this time if you don’t have one already set up—which I recommend doing so that you can start earning money right away!
  • Create a profile photo using either your webcam or upload one from your computer or phone camera roll (make sure it’s clear!).

The key to becoming successful on Etsy is selling products that are low competition and in high demand.

You can also niche down. For example if you’re just selling dog t-shirts it’s going to be saturated. However if you sell something ‘border collie lover t-shirts’ there will be less competition.

Influencer marketing

To be an influencer, you need to build a following. How do you go about doing that? By making sure everyone knows your name and face.

Let’s say you have a killer sense of style and love to shop at high-end boutiques. If so, then great! You’re already halfway there. Now all you have to do is figure out where those boutiques are located in your area and make sure their shoppers know who they can turn to when they need an extra opinion on what looks good on them or what kind of bag would best complement their shoes; which is where social media comes in handy!

You’ll want as many followers as possible on Instagram and Twitter because these platforms allow users like yourself (who are already active within the fashion industry) an easy way of finding new content from people they otherwise wouldn’t be exposed too while browsing through their usual feeds—which means more exposure for everyone involved!

The key thing here though is authenticity: don’t pretend like those photos weren’t taken by somebody else just because there was no mention made about ‘influencer marketing’ before hand; we all know what happens when we try things without giving them enough effort first: nothing works out quite right (see also: relationships).

Writing for a blog

Blogging is a great way to establish your brand. You can either start your own blog or write on other platforms like Medium, Quora and Tumblr. You can also guest write for publications like Forbes, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur and others.

There are also a whole bunch of blogs that pay you for writing articles for their blog.

Blogging is a great way to learn new skills, including how to market yourself and your business. You can easily start blogging from your phone. All you have to be knowledgeable about a subject and you can get started.

easy side hustles you can do from your phone

Blogging is a great way to build an audience that you can use for more than just making money—it’s good for your overall online presence and traffic flow too!

And speaking of making money: blogging is one of the easiest ways I’ve found that doesn’t require any physical labour on my part (or yours!)

Mobile app development

If you’re a coder, this is the easy side hustle of your dreams. If you’re not a coder, but have some programming knowledge (or are willing to learn it!), mobile app development is an easy way to make money from your phone.

AppMakr lets anyone create their own apps without needing any coding skills. You can choose from pre-made templates or customize your own and publish them on the App Store or Google Play for free—so long as you have Apple Developer ID or Google Play Developer Account respectively.

If you want to sell premium versions of your app, that will cost anywhere between $100-$500 per month depending on how much traffic it gets and how much money comes in through ads during use (you can set up ads for free through AdMob). And if there aren’t enough users out there who want what others offer? That’s okay too—you can always promote other people’s apps instead!

Taking pictures of real estate

As a real estate photographer, you’ll be shooting the homes of prospective buyers and sellers. This is a great side hustle because it’s flexible, easy and can be done from just about anywhere with an internet connection.

To get started, you’ll need a few things:

  • A camera with manual settings (a DSLR is ideal)
  • Some lighting equipment (you won’t need anything too fancy)
  • A tripod to hold your camera steady during long exposures

Now that you have the basics, let’s talk about pricing. The most important thing for any photographer looking for work is to understand what their clientele wants and needs—especially when there are so many options out there! For most real estate photographers, this means charging based on time as opposed to per picture taken—which means that if clients want more than one photo from an angle or from another angle altogether, then they’re going to have to pay extra. On average though? You should expect $20-$30 per hour spent on location during working hours (9 AM-5 PM).

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is when a company pays you for referring new customers to them.

There are a few ways to get started with affiliate marketing, but basically all you need to do is sign up for an affiliate program and then get traffic. You can get traffic through social media, your own blog or website, by emailing people who have signed up for newsletters on your site, or by posting ads on Facebook.

You will make more money if you have a lot of followers on social media accounts that promote products related to the affiliate programs that you’ve joined. When someone clicks on your link (called a referral link) and makes a purchase within 24 hours of clicking it, they’ll earn some percentage of what they spent back as commission from the company whose product they bought (for example: if they purchased something worth $100 and made 10% commission).

If a customer doesn’t click through within 24 hours after viewing the ad/blog/etc., then no money gets earned! This means it’s important not only to post often but also keep an eye out for which posts are working best so that future ones can be more effective–and therefore pay better commissions!

Virtual assistant services

Virtual assistant services. If you’ve ever wanted to live in a Jane Austen novel—and who hasn’t?—then this is the side hustle for you. As a virtual assistant (VA), your job will be to take care of all the day-to-day tasks that prevent your boss from doing any actual work (or going on vacation). You can become a VA by either starting out as an administrative assistant and moving up into more complex roles, or by starting at the bottom and working your way up from there.

easy side hustles you can do from your phone
Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels.com

As we learned from The Devil Wears Prada, becoming a VA means being willing to work long hours, even when it seems like there isn’t anything left to do.

And because most VAs are paid hourly rather than salaried, they need to make sure that they’re billing enough hours per week if they want their business model to work out financially speaking; which makes getting started as a VA pretty much like starting any other side hustle: just one more thing on top of all those other things!

But don’t worry too much about those details right now; what matters most is finding something that fits into your schedule while still being meaningful work in its own right; and luckily there’s plenty out there suited just so!

Selling your used clothes.

Consignment shops are a great way to make money on the side. They buy your clothing and sell it at their store, with no risk of them not selling or having to pay you any money back. This is especially useful if you have designer items that are hard to sell anywhere else (or even online).

There are also several websites that will buy your clothes from you, but most require an upfront payment from the buyer before they ship out anything. This can be a good way to get rid of some unwanted items without having them take up storage space in your house for months on end, but there are often fees associated with using these services so be sure to read reviews online before committing yourself!

You could also try selling on Vinted or Poshmark—these sites require less upfront time commitment than Facebook Marketplace does because they’re dedicated solely towards buying/selling fashion items only instead of everything under the sun like Facebook Marketplace does.

These side hustles don’t require a huge investment of time or money to get started and can help you earn extra income each month.

If you have a can-do attitude and work ethic, you can get started with these easy side hustles you can do from your phone right away. There’s no need to buy anything or invest in any equipment. These gigs don’t require you to sit in front of the computer for hours on end either—they’re great for when you have downtime!

If you’re looking for a proven step by step way to make money that has earned some thousands of dollars per month then check this out.


Now, you may be thinking, “This all sounds great, but I don’t know anything about any of these side hustles!” Don’t worry—we didn’t either. But that wasn’t a problem because we just looked up some tutorials online and got started right away. There are plenty of resources out there to help you get going on your own side hustle, so don’t be afraid to try it out!

Categories: Making Money